Run the main MALECOT MCMC. Model parameters are taken from the current active parameter set, and MCMC parameters are passed in as arguments. All output is stored within the project.
run_mcmc(project, K = NULL, precision = 0.01, burnin = 1000, samples = 1000, rungs = 1, GTI_pow = 3, auto_converge = TRUE, converge_test = 100, solve_label_switching_on = TRUE, coupling_on = TRUE, cluster = NULL, pb_markdown = FALSE, store_acceptance = TRUE, store_raw = TRUE, silent = FALSE)
project | a MALECOT project, as produced by the function
K | the values of K that the MCMC will explore |
precision | the level of precision at which allele frequencies are represented in the bi-allelic case. This allows the use of look-up tables for the likelihood, which significantly speeds up the MCMC. Set to 0 to use exact values (up to C++ "double" precision) rather than using look-up tables |
burnin | the number of burn-in iterations |
samples | the number of sampling iterations |
rungs | the number of temperature rungs |
GTI_pow | the power used in the generalised thermodynamic integration method. Must be greater than 1.1 |
auto_converge | whether convergence should be assessed automatically
every |
converge_test | test for convergence every |
solve_label_switching_on | whether to implement the Stevens' solution to the label-switching problem. If turned off then Q-matrix output will no longer be correct, although evidence estimates will be unaffected. |
coupling_on | whether to implement Metropolis-coupling over temperature rungs |
cluster | option to pass in a cluster environment (see package "parallel") |
pb_markdown | whether to run progress bars in markdown mode, in which case they are updated once at the end to avoid large amounts of output |
store_acceptance | whether to store acceptance rates for all parameters updated by Metropolis-Hastings. Proposal distributions are tuned adaptively with a target acceptance rate of 23% |
store_raw | whether to store raw MCMC output in addition to summary output. Setting to FALSE can considerably reduce output size in memory |
silent | whether to suppress all console output |